Creating fresh and engaging content is essential for any business, but man oh man, coming up with new ideas can be a real challenge. If you’re struggling to generate new content ideas that resonate with your audience, don’t worry, you’re definitely not alone. In this blogpost, we’ll share some of our favorite hacks that will help you come up with engaging content ideas more easily. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or just starting out, these tips will help you generate fresh and exciting ideas that keep your audience coming back for more.

1. Get inspiration from your audience

Your audience is a great source of inspiration when it comes to generating content ideas. They’re the ones who are engaging with your brand and may have questions, comments, or feedback that can be used as inspiration for new content. Here are a few ways to get inspiration from your audience:

  • Engage with your followers on social media. It’s the perfect platform to connect with your audience and get their input on what they’d like to see from your brand. You can ask questions in your captions, create polls, or simply reply to comments and direct messages to spark a conversation.
  • Use customer feedback to create content. Your customers are a valuable source of information when it comes to creating content. Look for patterns in their feedback, FAQ’s or reviews to identify common pain points, questions, or concerns that you can address in your content.
  • Create user-generated content. User-generated content (UGC) is content created by your followers that features your brand. This can include photos, videos, reviews, or testimonials. UGC not only helps to promote your brand but can also be used as inspiration for new content. For example, you can create a blog post featuring customer reviews or showcase UGC on your social media channels.

2. Repurpose and recycle content

Don’t be afraid to give your best performing content a second life by repurposing and recycling it. This means taking the content you already have and transforming it into something fresh and valuable for your audience. For example, you can breathe new life into your old content by adding new examples, images, or statistics to make it more current. Alternatively, you can transform a blog post into an engaging infographic, video, or podcast episode to reach a wider audience. Or you can combine multiple blogs or social media posts into a longer-form piece of content, such as an ebook, to provide your audience with in-depth knowledge. Or, take a small section of existing content and use it as a social media post, email subject line, or blog post headline. Remember, repetition is key in marketing. Your audience needs to see your message multiple times before it sticks, so don’t feel bad about recycling your best content.

By repurposing and recycling content, you can create new ideas without having to start from scratch every time. This is especially helpful for small businesses or those with limited resources. Remember to add value and make each new piece of content unique and relevant to your audience.

3. Brainstorm with a clear purpose

Before you start brainstorming for your content ideas, define the purpose and goals of your content. This can help you stay focused and generate ideas that are relevant and engaging to your target audience. When you know what you want to achieve with your content, you can tailor your brainstorming sessions to meet those goals. For example, if you want to increase brand awareness, your brainstorming session may focus on creating shareable social media content that showcases your brand’s unique personality. If your goal is to educate your audience, you may brainstorm ideas for how-to articles or instructional videos.
Defining your target audience is also crucial. Knowing who your content is for will help you generate ideas that resonate with them and address their needs and interests. Consider factors such as age, gender, location, profession, and interests when defining your target audience. By brainstorming with a clear purpose and goals in mind, you can create content that is more strategic and effective in achieving your desired outcomes.

4. Keep an ongoing easy-to-access list of ideas

Ideas can come up at any moment – in the shower, at midnight or when traveling – so it’s important to capture them when they do. Keep a list of content ideas in a place that’s always easily accessible to you. For example on your phone. This way, when it’s time to create new content, you’ll have a bank of ideas to draw from. And even more important: your ideas don’t get lost!

Having a list of ideas that you can draw from will not only save you time and energy but also ensure that you always have something to create content about. Whenever you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, you can refer to your list and select an idea that resonates with you or that you think will be valuable to your audience. Moreover, an ongoing list of content ideas can help you identify patterns and themes in your content that you may not have noticed before. By reviewing your list from time to time, you may discover that certain types of content or topics resonate more with your audience than others. This allows you to fine-tune your content strategy and create more effective content in the future.

5. Look outside of your own industry

Don’t be afraid to look beyond your own industry for inspiration when coming up with content ideas. Check out what thought leaders, influencers, and brands are doing in other fields. You never know what fresh perspectives and creative approaches you might discover. Plus, exploring other industries can help you bring unique and unexpected ideas to your own niche. So, keep an open mind and see what you can learn from outside your usual circle. You might be surprised at how their content can inspire your own.

6. Create a content calendar

Creating a content calendar can be a lifesaver when it comes to staying organized and producing great content that supports your business goals. Tools like Google Sheets or Trello are perfect for planning and scheduling your content in advance. With a calendar, you can see what’s coming up, brainstorm new ideas, and ensure that your content is aligned with your overall marketing strategy. Plus, it helps you stay on top of deadlines, so you’re not scrambling at the last minute to come up with new content. So, take a deep breath, grab a cup of coffee, and start planning your content like a pro!

7. Analyze your competition

When it comes to creating content, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques. One way to do this is by keeping an eye on your competitors and their content strategies. By analyzing their social media channels, blogs, and websites, you can gain valuable insights into what’s working for them and what’s not.
Take note of the types of content that are getting the most engagement, whether it’s videos, infographics, blog posts, or something else. Look at the topics they’re covering and the tone of voice they’re using to engage with their audience. By doing so, you can identify areas where your own content might be lacking and get some inspiration for new ideas that will make your brand stand out from the crowd.
But don’t just copy what your competitors are doing – use their content as a starting point for your own unique ideas. Think about how you can add your own unique twist to a popular topic or approach it from a different angle. By doing so, you can create content that is both original and engaging, helping to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

These content creation hacks will help you generate fresh and exciting content ideas that resonate with your audience. Give them a try and see how they work for your business! We believe in you, and we’re excited to see the amazing content you’ll create. Remember, your voice matters, and the world needs your unique perspective. Keep shining and sharing your brilliance with the world!